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GIRLS CAN BE COWBOYS TOO! Volume I is a collection of diverse, uplifting, educational and just plain fun stories about women, their animals and the land. These gals are the real deal and work as hard as any man doing what they love…and did you know that cowboying is a verb? These ladies do it as well as any man.
Meet Kim McElroy, the inspiration for the book, Cynthia Rigden, a born Arizonian rancher and sculptress, Cheryl, Darice, and Eve who all rode The Tevis Cup, Bonnie Ebsen Jackson (Buddy Ebsen's daughter), Mary Matli, a real cowboy and who inspired the title, Kimberly who rides her steers, Jane, the lovely horse gal who graces the cover. These are just a few of the fascinating women you will meet in Girls Can be Cowboys Too! Volume I 12.00 free shipping contiguous USA only. BOOK PREVIEW: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07X4JXDQ9&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_oyb-DbF4X6JAX

Girls Can Be Cowboys Too Volume II is a bit different. Meet unique gals who love their animals and live exciting lives doing what they love most. Some rescue horses or dogs. Three gals are with the Arizona Yavapai search and rescue group, Ashley is a horse trainer and model who combines both loves. Rebecca and her daughter, Rafael are bonafide "live off the land" women. "The Bird Lady" trains birds for TV and fun, Carole is a rancher who lived through a horrendous Arizona wildfire: Can she save her cows? Janet and Linda along with the author share "Mule Talk." Marti had a pet cow that was the love of her life. Cathy and Deborah are "goat ladies," Miska is a veterinarian and cowboy poet. And perhaps the most poignant story of all is about Amanda Marsh, the author's former horse hoof trimer and friend who lost her beloved husband to another terrible Arizona wildfire. Amanda shares her loss and healing. These awesome stories about simply wonderful women is sure to inspire and entertain. 12.00 free shipping Contiguous USA only. PREVIEW BOOK HERE

MULES, MULES AND MORE MULES is a book you will not want to miss. It is not written to influence your love of the horse, nor encourage you to buy a mule. However, if you simply love equines, you will enjoy sharing the sometimes hilarious, sometimes frustrating, but always entertaining, stories of an older woman who desires the trouble-free equine life. After enjoying Tennessee Walking Horses for over 35 years, Rose Miller aspires to the easy life, with bombproof mules. What unfolds isn’t exactly that!
The mule of today is a different animal than the old time mule. Jacks (male donkeys), some gaited, some trotters, bred to superior mares of all breeds produce beautiful and talented offspring that can excel in many disciplines. But, WHOA! Are mules stubborn, opinionated, have memories like elephants, less prone to illness and accidents, have superior dog-like bonding attributes? Read the book and discover what the author learned about these amazing equine hybrids! AND if you do wish to buy a mule, you owe it to yourself to read this book first, if you own mules now, read for laughs! Available only from Amazon.
BOOK PREVIEW: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B00MQ994QY&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_d7p-Db95F95RC

"The Horse That Wouldn’t Trot,” is a saga about life with a very special breed of horse: The Tennessee Walking Horse. Come with Rose as she shares the lives of her beloved horses, the ups and downs of living on a real horse farm, the trials, tears and joy of exhibiting in the show ring, the enchantment of new-born foals, and the frustrations and successes in the breeding shed. Meet Xanadu, Praise Hallelujah, and Delight, three of Rose’s stallions, all with their own ideas of procreation. Mares with their own opinions about life in general and becoming mothers in particular will have you laughing and crying. Because of a frustrating horse issue, the author is introduced to animal communication. What she learns is mind-opening to say the least. Rose’s honest and straightforward approach to sharing her compelling journey to become a true horsewoman is endearing and humbling. The detail and humor in which she shares her memories is fascinating “The Horse That Wouldn’t Trot” is suitable for readers of all ages and has a timeless story to share. 12.00 includes shipping in the contiguous USA only.

“Lets move to a farm and raise horses.” Those words uttered by four-year-old Rose forewarned her parents who were happy city dwellers that she was an “animal person.” But by the time she was eight, the family did move to a Pennsylvania farm where a multitude of animals wandered through her life, but no dogs. When she married, the family began their adventure with canines of many breeds, some purebred puppies, some fostered, some adopted and the loyal hard working K9s who were partners with Rose’s daughter and son-in-law on the local police department. Loving dogs means losing them as they “just do not live long enough” but these stories of devoted, and some not so devoted, canines will warm your heart and give chuckles as well as some tears. Several Dobermans were family favorites. Lady Blue, a Giant Schnauzer was a challenge. Muffitt, the Miniature Schnauzer, who was the love of Rose’s life lived with the family for nearly seventeen years, a satisfactory time in dog-life, but losing a devoted companion who was with one that long was extremely traumatic. Grief stricken for months, one day she goes into local pet store that allows foster animal meetings with potential adopters and discovers an older Miniature Schnauzer, Maggie. Feeling sure that Muffitt guided her there, she adopts the rescued puppy-mill mother. This story is a tribute to Little Miss Muffitt and all the other dogs in people’s lives that fill that very special need and place in their hearts.
8.00 includes shipping in the contiguous USA only. paperback ONLY available from the author's site. This book may, in the future, be updated to become : SCHNAUZER TERRITORY with additional stories about Schnauzers to appeal to a narrower canine lover audience. A few original books still available from the author.

Amazing and inspiring stories from the Bible, second-hand accounts from magazines and books as well as personal narratives that share visitations from God and our Lord Jesus Christ. The authors’ goal is to encourage you to know that it is possible to have a personal talking and listening relationship with our Heavenly Father. There is a great controversy among people as to whether this is possible, or even should be attempted. If you are among those who believe and want a closer walk with God, then you will enjoy The Gospel of Visitation. 4.00 shipping included to contiguous USA only.
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