Praise for Mules, Mules and More Mules: The Adventures and Misadventures of a First Time Mule Owner
Rose Miller takes us on her journey into the world of mules starting with her first tentative steps with a pokey mule named Charlie along the Grand Canyon trails. She describes the magnificent vistas and heart-stopping mishaps on these narrow trails so that you feel like you are riding on mule-back right behind her. She left that experience with a burning desire to own a mule of her own. Mirabella enters her barn and her life. But, this mule was just the beginning of Rose’s love affair with these long eared equine hybrids. “You can’t stop with just one mule,” Rose learns. Because of her bad back she needed a gaited mule and one that would allow her to sit back and enjoy the ride, but not all was smooth going. Continue along for the trip as she uses her engaging around-the-campfire-story-telling style to introduce her other mules Samson, Maybellene, Ruth Ann, Susie, and Lucinda. You will laugh out loud as she learns the hard way, “mules and horses are different.”
But, after a few nasty and painful spills Rose begins to question if she should continue riding. “Only those who never ride, never fall,” Rose writes. Does Rose hang up her saddle or does she overcome her fears? You won’t want to stop until you’ve read the whole inspiring book and finished the journey along side Rose and her mules.
Donna Campbell Smith, "The Book of Mules" (The Lyons Press 2009)
Rose Miler has done it again! In her new book, Mules, Mules and More Mules Rose takes us on her trip down the Grand Canyon wall and into the next chapter of her life with equines. Learn along with Rose as she discovers the difference between horse training and mule training. I laughed out loud at mule antics and deeply sympathized when Rose "bit the dirt" after she was pitched off one of her mules. I loved this book and have recommended it to all my animal lover friends. If you already own a mule you will definitely appreciate Rose's experiences with her mules. If you don't own a mule you will be tempted to start looking for one. I know I am.
Connie T. Orland, IN
I enjoyed this book! I especially liked the little mention that Hoosier and I received. Mules, Mules and More Mules is a cute story about one woman's quest for the perfect mule. The author learns to love and learn from the mules she encounters on this journey, and readers can benefit from her trials and tribulations along the way. It is a good read for anyone planning on going "mule shopping," and anyone who has ever been, will be able to relate to Rose's tale. Rose is right when she says that mules are like potato chips: "You can't eat just one." And readers will be closer to understanding why.
Cori Basham
Mules and More Editor
Rose Miller's book contains a great deal of information that will be interesting and helpful to mule and horse owners. Every new mule owner, and those who are considering buying their first mule, should definitely read her story.
John Hauer, author of "The Superiority of Mules" (The Lyons Press 2005)
I thought Mules, Mules and More Mules was very well written. The descriptions of things and events made them easy to understand. This book held my attention all the way through, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Most people that have purchased a mule have gone through some of the same experiences. I especially think that people who haven’t had mules very long will appreciate these stories and be able to relate to them. The main message I got was: if you take the time to understand your mule and learn to work with it, you’ll have a wonderful companion.
Loyd Hawley
Owner of Hawleywoods Mule Farm
Charter member, Past President & Chairman of Rules Committee for the North American Saddle Mule Association (NASMA)
Whoa mule riders! Before you buy a mule you need to read this book!! If you already have a mule, this book will sure wake you up!!
Steve Edwards
Queen Valley Mule Ranch
Rose's all-true mule adventure begins with a gripping mule ride down a wall-clinging switchback trail into the Grand Canyon. I found myself leaning away from the precipice as I read her matter-of-fact and thrilling prose. Her life with mules unfolds as a great true adventure for any reader, young or old.
Laura Leveque, aka Jackass Jill, "Whoa you donkey...WHOA! Adventures of a Lady Prospector"
I got an email from a woman named Rose Miller asking me to review a book she had written about Tennessee Walking Horses entitled "The Horse that Wouldn't Trot". This is right up my alley as two of my favorite subjects- books and horses. To really excite me though, a book has to be well written with a good story line. I want to lose myself in the storyline. I want to laugh out loud, and I want to feel the emotion emanating from the pages. Did I get all of that with Rose's book? Oh yea, I did.
People often tell me, as we compare notes about "been there and done that" that I should write a book about my life. "Really?" I say, always surprised. I've just been…living. Nothing special, I think, but people always tell me that my life has been packed with drama. THAT, I'll have to admit, is truly so. Rose Miller has me on the drama hands down. Rose is a bit older than me so she's had more time to collect memories, a large portion of which being about horses. As she shares her failures and successes, she talks to the reader about her journey as if she were sitting with you in her kitchen, chatting over a cup of coffee. I laughed out loud at times, and at others, tears were rolling down my cheeks. I found myself speed reading through some of the pages because I didn't have time to be sitting at my computer reading a book right then but couldn’t bear to get out of my chair without reading what happened next.
Rose's journey unfolds over decades of a life spent with horses. She takes you back to the time she was a "newbie" making decisions we all have made that, in retrospect, make our hair stand on end as we wonder how we didn't kill ourselves. Rose's honest and straightforward approach to her compelling story is endearing and humbling. The detail and humor in which she shares her memories is fascinating. I have trouble remembering what I had for lunch yesterday. Rose can retell a conversation that took place 30 years ago. I can tell you why though. Some folks are born for story-telling. I'd recommend you get yourself a copy. Rose, you go girl. I can't wait to read your next one!
Tracey Buckalew, (former) editor of “Going Gaited Magazine”
You don’t have to have Tennessee Walking Horse in your barn to become engrossed in The Horse That Wouldn’t Trot, a memoir of one woman’s journey to success from the show ring to the breeding shed.
Success usually comes with a price, and the author paid that price with sleepless nights, countless tears, and heart-wrenching decisions. When you operate a sizeable boarding, breeding and show barn, and you truly love the horses, it seems heartache is always lurking just around the corner, but likewise, the joy.
The narrative dares to discuss the breed’s abusive practices to produce the controversial exaggeration of the Walking Horse’s original smooth gait. Rose Miller bred her horses for excellence through natural talent and training, yet was forced to compete against those who used illegal practices.
The well-written narrative is both revealing and inspirational as the author struggles with her daughter’s brave battle with breast caner, and the stillbirth of her first grandchild. She turns to prayer seeking answers and direction…for her family, her animals and herself.
The Horse That Wouldn’t Trot is suited for horse lovers from 12 to 100, and is full of charming anecdotes of the author’s horses and their personalities. You’ll meet “Nugget,” a successful show mare who wanted nothing more than to be a mother (yes, the author regularly uses an animal communicator), but could not seem to put healthy foals on the ground.
You’ll follow her journey with “Praise Hallelujah,” her nationally-known stallion, and soul mate, who was awesome in the show ring and produced many champions to carry his name. Learn why the author decided to geld him.
Rose Miller’s message is this: follow where you are led, go through doors that open, and trust that even in adversity, you can be blessed. Connie Fenner, editor: “The Paper Horse Magazine” www.thepaperhorse.com
As a professional full time horseman trained in the Dressage discipline, it was an interesting and educating experience to work with a walking horse for the first time.
My first impression of P.H. was "what a beautiful horse" and SIMULTANEOUSLY "what a great attitude!" The next impression was that Rose Miller had a keen desire and interest in using classical dressage as a training method to further her stallion.
My professional training with many top Masters of the Equestrian World and graduation from the M.P.I.E.I. helped me to work with a breed of horse that moved differently than any others in the equine genre. After 35 years of professional teaching and training people and horses, sometimes separately, working with Rose Miller and P.H. is one of the highlights of my career.
Charles Sherman, dressage instructor
The Christmas break gave me time to read your manuscript. Very well done and a marvelous documentary of how horses have played an important role in your life. You have dealt with much pain as a horse owner, mom and friend. Yet you have risen from hurt each time through renewal with a new acquaintance and the will to share and love an amazing life. I admire your courage, your honesty and thank you for the story. I hope you will share this story many times over as people seek your print. Keep writing, perhaps our greatest gift is the one we have hidden within ourselves. Dr. David Whitaker, Director of the Horse Program at Middle Tennessee State University
PRAISE FOR DOGS, DOGS AND MORE DOGS (formerly Little Miss Muffitt)
I have finished the book and loved every chapter! I know the book was meant to be entertaining reading and not a “how to” book; however, I found no erroneous information anywhere. I even picked up a tip or two! I have rescued and re-homed 115 dogs through our local Animal Refuge Foundation of Wayne County, GA, and feel I have a fair knowledge of dogs of all ages and sizes. It is so obvious that Rose’s heart is really into these animals! The final chapters about Muffitt were difficult reading in that those of us who have loved dogs, realize that we must eventually also say “goodbye.” That time is stressful, but knowing that we can make their transition to That Special Place easier, saves us from total heartbreak. Every day shared with our precious pets is a blessing. Your book has confirmed that.
Juana Grover, Shelter Agent for Animal Refuge Foundation of Wayne County, GA
We had several Dobermans which we lost our hearts to, and since my husband was on the Chicago Police Department, he had an appreciation of the K9s. Rose Miller’s book shares stories of both of these groups of dogs and that alone is enough to make a super story. The devotion and companionship shared between Rose and Miss Muffitt could also be a book by itself. I learned a great deal about Miniature Schnauzers and their feisty friendship. Lady Blue is a Giant Schnauzer who teaches Rose devotion in another perspective. Fostered and adopted dogs as well as purebred ones tell their stories. Be ready to lose your heart to all of Rose Miller’s astonishing canines as they come into and leave her family, giving her love, joy and challenges. I laughed and cried along with Rose as she shared her life with all these furry personalities. This is a wonderful read for all dog lovers.
Connie Toenings, Horse Rescue, Reviewer
I enjoy Rose Miller’s relaxed, straight forward style of writing. This is not fiction. This is not mystery and suspense. It requires a direct, matter of fact delivery which she provides. I think her honest approach to storytelling comes across to the reader. Keep it simple. Keep it moving. Her life is interesting enough as is, embellishment is unnecessary. This is not just a dog book. It's as much about Rose and her family as it is about this amazing lady's dozens of dogs and other animals. You’ve got K9 cops, horses, pet ducks, Mary Long (who talks to the animals), and on and on. Great fun! Easy to read. Well written. This is a winner! I give it 2 thumbs up! What’s next?
LaMonte Helflick, Speech and Language Pathologist, Author of Pup Fiction Books for children, http://pupfictionbooks.com
Rose has once more written a very heartwarming book that animal lovers everywhere will love and relate to. It was made all the more special to me because I was fortunate to keep a horse at her barn for many years and was privileged to know many of these wonderful canines. (And Clyde's chapter brought back so many great memories of this wonderful and ornery old man!) Nor will I ever forget the horse show when I spent an entire afternoon with a very young and very wet Miss Muffitt tucked inside my jacket in an effort to keep her warm and dry! This book will evoke both laughter and tears, and is an honest accounting of the trials and tribulations, the joy and heartbreak, but most of the all, the love and bonding that result when we open our hearts to these wonderful creatures. Rose is, without a doubt, a talented and dedicated trainer and animal advocate. I read this from cover to cover without putting it down! Sara Mattice, Animal rescue, book reviewer
I have read Rose Miller’s other books which I thoroughly enjoyed. Sitting down with this book was like sitting down with an old friend. Her telling of the dogs she has known and loved throughout her life was a very enjoyable read. Rose does not pretend to be a trainer, she does not tell each dog’s story to make it appear infallible. Each story relays joys and sorrows, triumphs and defeats. I found it refreshing that she could admit when certain dogs have come to her that simply did not work out. It is a rare, unselfish person who can admit that she was merely a stepping stone for that animal to get to where it needed to be. Rose’s stories of her dogs are real and heartfelt. This book will make you chuckle, cry and remind you of the animals that have been in your life, not perfect, but loved.
Wendy Metzler, Breezewood Farm